Research Central Florida Babe Ruth Youth Baseball Websites

Babe Ruth baseball is simply a different version of Little League, with play organized for boys (baseball) and girls (softball), between the ages of 10-18. Central Florida Babe Ruth Youth Baseball is very competitive. For example, Longwood Babe Ruth is a historic program with many post season teams who have moved on past districts. For more information and who to contact go to the Longwood Babe Ruth page, and go to the Longwood Board of Directors page for contact information. 

Central Florida Babe Ruth Websites: 

If all else fails, this page will list all of the Babe Ruth Districts in the state of Florida, along with each districts Commissioner and their contact information. 

If you are looking for a Fall Youth League, take a look at C.O.B.R.A. There will be another article in the near future for more about 

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