Easy Way to Determine the Value of Sleep

You work hard all day, and your body works harder. Your body needs time to repair itself daily. It has been proven that time is most beneficial during your rest period, or the time asleep at night. Just sleeping isn’t as good as a RESTFUL DEEP SLEEP. Many times we cannot turn off our brain from many things that crowd our thinking all during the day and that impedes our ability to fall asleep. 

There are many ways to help you increase your knowledge about how you sleep, and how well you are sleeping. Try using an app or two to help monitor your sleep and give you an insight into your sleep patterns. My personal favorite is the Sleepwatch app … and it works really well with my Apple Watch. It’s relatively easy to use and provides you a number grade for your sleep for the night, and compares you to everyone else in your age range (see picture). 

A good sleep reference with many reviews can be found at Sleep Foundation.  

I can tell you from personal experience that I sleep better when I do not drink alcohol at all. You might also consider talking to an expert about CBD (legal) … as that might help you fall asleep and remain asleep and help your body REST and you wake up REFRESHED, like when you were a kid! 

Sweet Dreams! 

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