Make Your Baseball Assignor Give You More Games

The most important thing to an Assignor is knowing an umpires capabilities. This, like many other things in life, is very subjective.  Make sure you get the opportunity to work in front of your assignor to allow them to make their own decision on your abilities. Stay calm, work the game, hustle to positions and use angle when you need to, and make a good impression. When the assignor offers you feedback, listen and learn. One of the worst things you can do, is to argue with an assignor about what they want to see on the field.

Most importantly make sure your assignor knows who you are. Communication is key here. Knowing that during the Spring season you will be busy. There are plenty of games out there and never enough umpires to fill all of the baseball game assignments. The more you are available, the more opportunities you will get. These opportunities may be above your abilities, but this is your chance to move up the ladder to begin working with better partners in better games.  

Make sure you keep your Cell Phone handy so that you can respond timely to a request or text. This is where your biggest opportunities will come. An assignor has to handle situations all to often where an umpire replacement is needed. This may be due to sickness, traffic or another game that needs a replacement.  Be Ready … and your career will blossom!

One of the most popular assignment platforms for all sports is Arbiter Sports. There are other competitors coming into the market, but they all do the same thing, track availability of an umpire and games. 

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