Better Understand U3’s Umpire Responsibilities with No One On Base

Want to learn the 3 umpire system? The best way to learn it is to watch local umpires, friends or mentors work a game in the 3 man system. Sit and put yourself in their position and mentally work the game and think about where you would go.

U3, or the umpire that stands at 3B with no one on, is the best position to learn the mechanics of the system. Why? Because with no one on, that Umpire has only 1 decision to make: Is the ball to the outfield have a chance of being caught or going over the fence in your coverage area or require a fair/foul decision behind you? If yes, U3 must sprint into the outfield, making sure that you come to rest on a solid foundation to be able to watch the “event” and rule accordingly. If the ball is not up in the air and is either a single ( or more ) then the only other decision is to move toward 2nd base for a potential play there pending some sort of error by the defense.

Note: In the picture you can see the umpires left foot is back, yet on the foul line. As a ball leaves the infield this allows U3 to pause, open up without having to move their feet and read the ball without completely turning his back on the infield. This allows an extra split second to make a decision on which direction.

This position is typically called the Rabbit, because it requires a good bit of running.

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